Tuesday, October 19, 2021

The Basics of Stalking a Feral Hog

Gum Log Plantation hunting lodge in GAFeral hogs are getting out of control. If left alone, these animals can roam around the countryside and do a lot of damage to the environment. Unfortunately, many states are vastly populated with these wild pigs, and to date, they have little hope of eliminating them. Luckily, hunting is one of the solutions. Gum Log Plantation is a hunting lodge in GA and is the perfect place to launch an assault on these animals and fill your freezer at the same time. But what does it take to creep up on these highly intelligent creatures?

Gum Log Hunting Lodge GA: Tips for Stalking Hogs

Let’s look at a hunting scenario of what will teach a lesson on hunting hogs.

On a summer day, just before dusk, a hunter makes his way out of a cabin with the hopes of bagging some feral hogs. He had boasted to his friends about his hunting finesse, and this day was not going to be any different, he thought.

This hunter thought the best thing to do would be to find a hog wallowing spot and hang around till the sun goes down when the hogs would be more active. Less than two hours after the decision, he lazily adjusted his binoculars and nearly missed it – about a few hundred yards in the distance; he noticed some movement. Thinking it was deer, he moved closer.

Suddenly he hears a squeal which directs his attention to a group of feral hogs behind some nearby scrub rooting in the ground.

Here Comes The Stalker

With high hopes and excitement, he approaches the hogs steadily and quietly till he is at the perfect range to get a shot. Luckily, the breeze was blowing heavily in his direction. He raises his rifle, but one of the massive hairy pigs sights him. He quickly takes a shot and hits the pig in its left shoulder.

The hog takes off through the thick bush with a loud squeal and blood dripping from its wound. Unfortunately, it is now too dark to track the pig without night equipment which the hunter did not bring. So now there is a wounded hog in the bush (a dangerous scenario) and no way to track it.

Lessons From the Escapade

What did this hunter do right? It was summer, so he went hunting for hogs during a cooler part of the day when the pigs were more active. He also knew that wallows are places where pigs hang out.  He was also downwind from the hogs (but this seems to have been by luck).

What did he do wrong? He probably shot too quickly and only wounded the animal, or possibly his rifle wasn’t the proper one for hog hunting. He also lacked proper night-tracking equipment, such as a powerful LED headlamp and a blood tracker flashlight. A rifle like the .35 Remington is excellent for short ranges and has the power to drop medium-sized game (which would have removed the need to track an injured animal).

Before You Go

When hunting, always know how to identify and stalk your prey. Depending on the circumstances, have the right weapon for the game you’re hunting and carry any additional equipment to assist your hunt. Plus, keep in mind the number one rule of hunting: Safety First.

Gum Log Plantation

Are you interested in hunting but don’t know where to start? Then, Gum Log Plantation is the place for you. Our premier hunting lodge in GA, set on 2000 acres of prime hunting grounds, has a team of experienced guides to take you on a first-class hunting excursion. You can go solo or bring a group of friends. We’re booking fall and winter outings now. Call 229-318-9015 and book yours today.

The post The Basics of Stalking a Feral Hog first appeared on Gum Log Plantation.

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