Monday, May 3, 2021

When Is Hog Hunting Allowed?

Gum Log Plantation hog hunting tipsAre you planning your next escapade of wild hog hunting? In the early days of America, hunting was a popular activity. It was a source of fun, food, and adventure. Hog hunting in America has a history as well. Feral hogs are not native to America. They were first brought to the continent as a source of food by explorers in the 1500s. Livestock was free-ranged, and escaped swine established the feral hog populations we see today. These animals continue to grow in large numbers across the United States, and Texas alone is home to over 2 million wild hogs.

Hog Hunting Tips

You may be considering hogs as your next prey. These hog hunting tips will inform you about hunting this unique animal and how to have a successful hunt.

What Are Hogs?

Hogs are feral domestic pigs, and unlike boars (which are uncastrated male pigs), they can weigh over 120 pounds. They often like to stray into open farm fields for easy meals and are best hunted at night. It’s easy for hog hunters to lie in wait for them by either stand hunting or spot and stalk. The more you know about hogs, the easier it’ll be to hunt them. So before going into the fields, learn how to track them, the signs to look out for, and other basics for successful hunting.

Where to Hunt

If you’re still in need of options for where to plan a trip, we already mentioned that almost half of the hog population in America; can be found in Texas. Other states with large populations include Florida, California, North Carolina, and Georgia. These places give plenty of opportunities for hog hunting.


Already, over 15 million people in the United States have their license to hunt, and this goes to show the undying love for this sport, even in modern society. Hunters should always check state and local hunting regulations before starting. Most states require a general hunting license to hunt hogs.

Is Hog Hunting Seasonal?

Although hogs are not the only hunted animals, there are usually set seasons for hunting animals like deer, waterfowl, squirrels, etc. Hogs can be hunted year round or during any other designated hunting season (check local regulations). Most states encourage hog hunting because of the costly damage they cause to farms and property, and in most areas, there is no bag limit.

Food Source

Hog hunting is a significant source of livelihood as the meat contains essential vitamins and minerals that are good for the human body. Hog meat is all-natural and an excellent substitute for grocery store meat that comes with additives.

Gum Log Plantation

If these hog hunting tips already make you eager to hunt, book an excursion at Gum Log Plantation. Our expert guides have all the information and experience for you to have a successful hunt. Contact them today at 229-318-9015 and book an adventurous and rewarding hog hunting experience.


The post When Is Hog Hunting Allowed? first appeared on Gum Log Plantation.

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