Monday, April 5, 2021

Essential Hog Hunting Gear For 2021

Gum Log Plantation hog hunting tipsWhen it comes to hog hunting tips, there’s a relatively well fleshed out list of gear that’s needed to both survive and make the most of the trip. Apparel might not be at the forefront of those unfamiliar with hunting, but considering that most hunting seasons occur during fall and winter, what a hunter wears is just as important as the other functional equipment they bring. Here’s a list of the essential gear any hunter should bring with them in the 2021 hunting seasons.

Hog Hunting Tips for Essential Gear

Rain Gear

Though it would be wonderful if the weather cooperated when on a hog hunt, it won’t always be a clear, pristine day. Always bring along quality rain jackets, pants, and boots just in case the weather turns sideways. The key to good rain gear is that, when worn, it will keep moisture from getting in while also not trapping sweat and other moisture that’s already on the body.

Moultrie Feeder

This tool is used for hog hunting because it lures hogs to provide a clear shot. They can smell food from miles away, meaning it’s crucial to time the feeder food releases at even increments generally, 2-4 times per night (about once an hour). Having it released at the same times each night ensures they develop a ‘schedule’ and return consistently.


Along with a couple of good hunting knives, a multitool outfitted with scissors, a screwdriver, and an assortment of other small tools will go a long way. These can significantly diversify the capabilities of other equipment brought along.


Historically, anyone interested in hunting would subsequently have to be an experienced tracker to be successful. While this still holds true and creates a divide between good hunters and great ones, GPS units have become a mainstay for hunters. With all the technology available today, it would be foolish not to take advantage of it. It can be the difference between life and death in some instances.

Emergency Supplies

Bringing along emergency gear should be a given, but it can be hard to know what to take without overpacking. When creating an emergency bundle, extra food, lamps/flashlights/etc., a fire-starting kit, shelters, and water/water purifiers should be included to cover all bases.

Trash Bags and Toilet Paper

Finally, a staple of hunting and interacting with nature as a whole is that a hunter should always respect the land and only pack in what they know they can pack out. Accordingly, bringing along trash bags can provide a place to put any trash without leaving it behind. And, of course, toilet paper speaks for itself – it’s imperative not to forget it.

Gum Log Plantation

When it comes to planning hunting trips, we are the experts. Leave the planning to Gum Log Plantation. Our experienced guides will give you all the hog hunting tips you need to complete a successful hunt. Call us at 229-318-9015 and schedule a trip today.

The post Essential Hog Hunting Gear For 2021 first appeared on Gum Log Plantation.

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